Pricing for MadisonD Barbering
The full price for MadisonD Barbering is $1000 per day. A half-day is $500. No strings attached.
Transportation and tip have been included in the price as well as any extra services, ie: Trimming eyebrows or beard trims.
Typically, I do not have time to blow-dry style women’s hair after the haircut unless discussed and agreed upon ahead of time so that the allotted time slots can be adjusted appropriately.
Your staff doesn’t have to worry about any extra expense to themselves.
I offer a 2 month trial period of 50% off.
After 2 haircuts typically a person will know if they like the haircut and stylist and would like to continue seeing them or not.
With that being said, 2 months should be enough time to see if you and your staff would like to continue with my services.
My ultimate goal is that your staff is satisfied and happy with the convenience of getting a haircut and staying sharp without needing to spend extra time and money outside of the workplace.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me anytime!